Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Reflections on Teaching with Technology Class

Today was our first foray into the wild world of teaching with technology. I think that the most important thing to take away from this class is that technology is not the enemy, it is a resource. All too frequently in my experiences, teachers were on a spectrum regarding technology; they were either uneducated in its use and therefore disapproved of using it too much, or they were enthusiastic supporters who integrated it into the classroom when they could. The success rates of the latter varied and I will most likely delve into them each as we continue with the course.

For now, a quick analysis of the class from today will suffice. Don't expect too much Meta-cog, I'm still shaky on the concept ;) (Conceptual Knowledge/Understand Interpreting!!)

I thought that the exercise of comparing different concepts was useful, though the time allotted was a bit short for my liking and the fact that anyone who facilitated a table missed out on the 5th standard was problematic. This type of activity would be very useful as a short presentation format; perhaps for use on research papers. Each student gets 10 minutes to explain their topic to a group of 3 additional classmates and receive input from them on further study; this is repeated for a class period a week until each student has presented to the others. It would be best used in a collegiate setting with longer periods or in an extremely small classroom, but I feel the method is worth exploring.

Since I already had this blog (which I rarely used, as noted by the single follower!), the blog creation and upkeep was not new information to me. The survey and wikis intrigue me though and I look forward to exploring them.

As for right now, I have an antsy german shepherd begging me to go for a walk. Something that I feel must be addressed immediately.

More on life later,

Warble 2.0

So since I never ever plugged or let people follow, nobody will notice. But I've revamped this blog to use it for my Master's program. Which means that all 10 of my former posts are now GONE. Since I never put much thought into them or cared about what they said, I'm not too concerned.

More on life later.